Working with Item Formulas in Assemblies
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    Working with Item Formulas in Assemblies

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    Article summary

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    Each item in an assembly has an Item Formula. The Item Formula is the calculation STACK will perform to quantify the item and convert the Takeoff Variable into the Purchase Unit of the item. It basically represents how you normally calculate the item. 

    By default, the item’s assigned Coverage Rate is used for the Item Formula, but more complex formulas can be created to allow for real life variations (multiple layers, thickness, etc.). Formulas are created/edited in the Formula Editor.

    See below for more info:

    Formula Editor

    Formula Validation

    Data Representation of Measurement Types

    Formula Editor

    The Formula Editor is where you can override the default Coverage Rate formula for an item in an assembly with a custom Item Formula. You access the Formula Editor from the Assembly Information screen - just click the edit (pencil) icon next to the Item Formula that you want to change.

    This is the layout of the Formula Editor screen and descriptions of the different components:


    The VARIABLES tab displays a list of Takeoff Variables you can use in your formulas but you can also create your own Custom Variables by clicking + Create New Variable at the top of the list. The new variable will be saved to the list for future use.

    Click the + next to any of the variables on the list to add it to the Create Formula workspace.

    NOTE: The Formula Editor will not allow you to create a custom variable that exactly matches a STACK provided variable.

    TIP: When naming a Custom Variable, you cannot use special characters* or have spaces between words, so we recommend capitalizing the first letter of each word.  

    We also recommend specifying how the variable value will need to be entered as part of the name. E.g., Include ‘Inches’ in the name if the value should be entered in inches. 

    *The names will automatically be wrapped in brackets [ ] when saved.

    Takeoff Variables

    Takeoff Variables represents a data point as measured on the plan sheets. The data each Takeoff Variable represents depends on the chosen measurement type. See Data Representation of Measurement Types below for more info.

    Takeoff Variable names begin with "Measured" in the variable list:

    • [MeasuredArea]
    • [MeasuredLinear]
    • [Measured Count]
    • [MeasuredLinearWithDrops]
    • [MeasuredDropCount]
    • [MeauredPitchedArea]
    • [MeasuredPitchedLinear]
    • [MeasuredSurfaceArea]
    • [MeasuredVolume2D]
    • [MeasuredVolume3D]
    • [MeasuredHeight]
    • [MeasuredWidth]

    TIP: Refer to Takeoff Measurement Types to see what each measurement type provides and examples.

    Custom Variables

    Custom Variables represent the specific or unique conditions you want expressed in the formula.
    E.g., The height of the wall in feet can be expressed as [WallHeightInFt], or the number or layers can be expressed as [NumberOfLayers]). 

    Custom Variables are specific to the assembly. You will enter their values when the assembly is added to a takeoff in the project.


    The FUNCTIONS tab lists the different STACK-supported Excel functions that you can use when creating a custom formula. 

    Click the + next to any of the functions on the list to add it to the Create Formula workspace.

    See Excel Functions in Formulas for more info and examples of the functions.

    Create Formula

    The Create Formula/Formula Editor workspace is where you will actually create your formula. Variables and Functions that you add will automatically populate in the workspace, but you can type in information and copy/paste info to get your formula ordered/formatted appropriately.

    The formula you create entirely depends on the item. Remember, the goal of the formula is to convert a Takeoff Variable into the Purchase Unit of the item. 

    NOTE: The formula of an item will be executed for every measurement you draw, then added together and displayed on the Item Reports and Estimates.

    Some common examples:
    Convert from Linear to 10' Pieces

    Convert from Area to 500' Rolls (10'x500') with built-in waste

    Convert from Count to Hour

    Additional Formula Information


    These are the operators you can use in your formula.








    Open Parenthesis


    Close Parenthesis






    Greater Than


    Greater Than or Equal To


    Less Than


    Less Than or Equal To

    Order of Operations

    STACK uses standard mathematical practices for the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (“Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”):

    1. Parenthesis
    2. Exponents
    3. Multiply
    4. Divide
    5. Add
    6. Subtract

    TIP: To learn about other ways to convert data, see Mastering Custom Formulas

    Test Formula

    Once you have entered a custom Item Formula, you'll want to test it to make sure it calculates as expected. 

    1. Click on Test Formula.
    2. Enter values in variable fields. 
    3. Click Test and confirm that the Calculated Value is correct.

    Once you have tested and confirmed the accuracy of the formula, you can save it.

    Formula Validation

    STACK follows standard mathematical practices when calculating a value:

    • Invalid Formula:

    Invalid Formula

    Occurs when the formula is not complete; either a parenthesis was missed or added, or an operator, such as +, has been added by mistake. Verify the formula is complete before continuing.

    • Invalid Variables:

    Invalid Variables

    Occurs when the formula editor does not recognize one of more variables used in the formula. Verify the correct spelling of each variable used in the formula matches the variable listed under the Variables header. If the variable does not exist, create the new variable.

    • This Cell Contains an Invalid Value:

    Appears on the item-based reports and on the Material and Labor Estimate and occurs when:
    1. A custom variable is used in the denominator of a formula AND
    2. The custom variable field of the assembly, under the takeoff, is set to zero '0' resulting in a calculated value that is undefined. If the item has been used in several takeoffs or assemblies, ANY calculation for the item that results in an undefined value will cause the error to be displayed. Find and resolve the custom variable of the affected takeoff and assembly.

    TIP: Use the Item Cost by Takeoff Report to find the affected takeoff. Then edit the assembly added.

    TIP: If you are unsure which variable is causing the issue, look at the assembly in the Assemblies Library. The custom variable will be listed in the formula of the affected item.

    Data Representation of Measurement Types

    While a Takeoff Variable name doesn't change, what it represents depends on the chosen measurement type.


    Takeoff Variable



    Area of measurement


    Perimeter of measurement


    Count of measurement


    Takeoff Variable



    Length of measurement


    Count of measurement

    [MeasuredHeight]Screen vertical "height" dimension of a rectangle area.
    (Don't confuse this with the 3-dimensional height of the space).
    [MeasuredWidth]Screen horizontal "width" dimension of a rectangle area.

    NOTE: [MeasuredHeight] and [MeasuredWidth] do not apply to polygonal shapes.


    Takeoff Variable



    Count of measurement

    Linear with Drops

    Takeoff Variable



    Total length of measurement

    (vertical and horizontal)


    Count of drops


    Horizontal length of measurement


    Count of measurement


    Length of drops

    Pitched Area

    Takeoff Variable



    Pitched area of measurement

    (calculated from rise and run input)


    Flat area of measurement


    Perimeter of measurement at pitch

    (calculated from rise and run input)


    Perimeter of measurement


    Count of measurement

    Pitched Linear

    Takeoff Variable



    Length of measurement at pitch

    (calculated from rise and run input)


    Length of measurement


    Count of measurement

    Surface Area

    Takeoff Variable



    Surface area of measurement


    Length of measurement


    Count of measurement



    Wall height input

    Volume 2D

    Takeoff Variable



    Cubic yardage of measurement

    (calculated from depth input)

    [Measured Area]

    Area of measurement


    Perimeter of measurement


    Count of measurement

    ([MeasuredVolume2D]/[Measured Area])

    Depth Input

    Volume 3D

    Takeoff Variable



    Cubic yardage of measurement

    (calculated from width and depth input)


    Perimeter of measurement


    Count of measurement

    What is an Item
    What is an Assembly
    Create a Custom Assembly
    Mastering Custom Formulas
    Excel Functions in Formulas

    If you need additional assistance, please Contact Us.

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