Export Estimate Worksheet Data to Acumatica
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    Export Estimate Worksheet Data to Acumatica

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    STACK's integration with Acumatica allows you to easily export Estimate Worksheet data from STACK to create a Project Quote or Sales Quote in Acumatica.

    How It Works

    First, you need to set up the connection/integration in STACK. (You only have to do this once.) Then you can export data from any STACK Estimate Worksheet to Acumatica with just a few clicks.

    You'll choose the Acumatica Opportunity/Project to which you want your STACK Estimate Worksheet data exported and choose whether you want to create a Project Quote or Sales Quote in Acumatica with the data.

    When the data is exported from STACK, the Project Quote or Sales Quote will automatically be created in Acumatica so you can quickly continue with your process without having to manually enter tons of data. The Project Quote/Sales Quote will have a line for each Estimate Worksheet line item, auto populated with important information like Quantity and Unit Price

    TIP: It is important to set up certain areas of your STACK account and enter certain data in a very specific way to ensure data is exported and mapped to the appropriate data points in each platform. See Best Practices to Use Acumatica with STACK for info on how to do this.

    What to Know:

    • The Acumatica integration is an add-on to your STACK subscription. Contact your STACK Account Manager for pricing.
    • You must set up the Acumatica connection/integration in STACK before you can export estimate data from STACK directly to Acumatica. The setup is a one-time process. See Connect Your Acumatica and STACK Account.
    • Any STACK user can export item quantities from STACK to Acumatica once the connection/integration has been set up.
    • You choose the Acumatica Opportunity* or Project to which you want your STACK Estimate Worksheet data exported and choose whether you want to create a Project Quote or Sales Quote in Acumatica with the data.
      *Only Active Opportunities will be available for selection.
    • The Acumatica Project Quote/Sales Quote will have one line for every line item on your STACK Estimate Worksheet.
      • If an item your STACK Estimate Worksheet has multiple Cost Types, a line item will be created in Acumatica for each one.
      • However, no line item will be created for Cost Types with an empty Unit Cost. The Unit Cost must have a value, even if it is 0 (zero), in order for a line to be created in Acumatica.
    • Only data for line items on the main Estimate Worksheet grid will be exported.
    • Data from the Other Costs section of the Estimate Worksheet will NOT be exported unless you have chosen to Distribute those costs to line items in the main Estimate Worksheet grid.
    • STACK Estimate Worksheet data that is exported will not be rolled up or grouped.
    • If you have used the Define Scope feature on your STACK Estimate Worksheet, only data that meets the Scope you have set will be exported.
    • In order for data to be exported, each item on your STACK Estimate Worksheet must have an Item Number that matches the item Inventory ID code in Acumatica; must have a Takeoff Tag Value assigned to it; and must have a Purchase Unit that matches the item unit of measure (UOM) in Acumatica. If the item has an Accounting Code (30-character max), it must match the item's Cost Code field in Acumatica.
    • When you export data from a STACK Estimate Worksheet to Acumatica, it is a one-time transfer of data.
      If the Estimate Worksheet is updated in STACK after the data is exported to Acumatica, those changes are NOT transferred/updated in Acumatica.

    See below for more info and instructions:
    Export Estimate Worksheet Data to Acumatica
    What Data is Exported

    Export Estimate Worksheet Data to Acumatica

    NOTE: The Acumatica connection/integration must be set up in STACK before you can export Estimate Worksheet data. The setup is a one-time process. See Connect Your Acumatica and STACK Account for setup instructions.

    NOTE: Before exporting, make sure the items on your Estimate Worksheet meet export requirements. In order for data to be exported, each item on your STACK Estimate Worksheet must have:

    • A Takeoff Tag Value assigned to it.
    • An Item Number that matches the item Inventory ID code in Acumatica.
    • A Purchase Unit that matches the item unit of measure (UOM) in Acumatica. 
    • And, if the item has an Accounting Code, it must match the item's Cost Code field in Acumatica.

    Also note that no line litem will be created in Acumatica for Cost Types with an empty Unit Cost. The Unit Cost must have a value, even if it is 0 (zero), in order for a line to be created in Acumatica.

    1. In STACK, open the Estimate Worksheet you want to send to Acumatica and click the Worksheet button at the top of the estimate.
    2. Click the three dots on the right side of the estimate toolbar at the top of the worksheet. 
    3. Hover over Export on the menu that appears and select Export to Acumatica.
      NOTE: If Export to Acumatica is not shown, click Set up a new connection to set up the connection/integration. See Connect Your Acumatica and STACK Account for instructions.

    4. Click on the Destination in Acumatica dropdown to select whether you want to create a Project Quote or Sales Quote in Acumatica.
      NOTE: You will see a ! warning message under the dropdown if information on the Estimate Worksheet is not set up properly for a successful export. To avoid a failed export, address any issues in the warning before proceeding.

      If you see a warning message that your customization package is not supported, you will need to do a quick update before proceeding. E.g., The version of your customization package is not supported. Please update your customization package.
      See Update the Stack Customization Package for instructions.

    5. Click the Next button at the bottom of the screen.

    6. If you chose to create a Project Quote in step 4, click on the Select STACK Tag to use as Acumatica Task dropdown to select the STACK Takeoff Tag you want mapped to the Acumatica Task field. A Task will be created in the Acumatica Project Quote for each Tag Value of the selected Takeoff Tag.
      NOTE: This step is not required if you chose to create a Sales Quote in step 4.
    7. Under Select Acumatica Opportunity, locate and click on the Acumatica Opportunity*/Project where you want to export your STACK Estimate Worksheet data.
      TIP: You can use the search bar or scroll to find the Opportunity/Project on the list.
      *Only Active Opportunities will be available for selection.
    8. Click the Next button at the bottom of the screen. The export will begin.
    9. You will receive a message in the Notifications section (bell icon) on the main navigation bar when the export is complete OR a failure message if we cannot connect to Acumatica/the export fails.

    10. Once the export is complete, you can open the new Project Quote or Sales Quote in Acumatica to continue your work as needed.

    What Data is Exported

    During export, the following STACK data points are mapped to the corresponding Acumatica data points:

    STACK DataAcumatica Data
    Item NumberInventory ID
    Purchase UnitUOM
    Cost TypeAccounting Group
    Accounting CodeCost Code
    Unit Cost + Markup + Distributed CostsUnit Cost
    Unit Cost + Markup + Distributed CostsUnit Price
    Takeoff QuantityQuantity
    Takeoff Tag ValueTask

    When a Quote is created in Acumatica from a STACK Estimate Worksheet export, the fields noted below are populated by STACK.

    Quote Information

    Opportunity ID = The Project/Opportunity that you select on the Destination in Acumatica screen as part of the export process in STACK (step 4 in the instructions above).

    Description = STACK Estimate Worksheet Name

    Date = Date of export from STACK

    Any other info that you see in the top area of the Quote is populated based on info that has been entered in Acumatica for the Project/Opportunity.

    Estimation Tab

    STACK will create one line on the Estimation Tab for every line item exported from the STACK Estimate Worksheet, and populate the following fields:

    Inventory ID = STACK Item Number

    Description = STACK Item Name

    Quantity = STACK Takeoff Quantity

    UOM = STACK Purchase Unit

    Unit Price = STACK Unit Cost

    Acumatica Project Task = STACK Takeoff Tag Value

    Cost Code = STACK Accounting Code

    Cost Account Group = STACK Cost Type

    The data in other columns on the Estimation Tab is calculated by Acumatica based on the STACK-populated data fields noted above.

    NOTE: No line litem will be created in Acumatica if the Cost Type in STACK had an empty Unit Cost.

    Project Tasks Tab

    For Project Quotes, STACK will create a Task for each Takeoff Tag Value associated with the Takeoff Tag you select as part of the export process in STACK (step 6 in the instructions above). STACK will populate the Project Task Number, Description, and Type fields.

    The Project Task Number is based on the order of the Takeoff Tag Value within the Takeoff Tag in STACK.

    Description = STACK Takeoff Tag Value name (30-character limit)

    The task Type will always be Cost and Revenue Task.

    NOTE: If you created a Sales Quote and selected a STACK Tag to use as an Acumatica Task during the export process, the the tasks will be part of the line item in Acumatica, they will not be displayed on the Tasks Tab.

    Connect Your Acumatica and STACK Account
    Best Practices to Use Acumatica with STACK
    Create a Project from an External Source
    Export Item Quantities to Acumatica
    Create, Edit, or Delete Custom Items
    Estimate Worksheet Overview
    Takeoff Tags

    If you need additional assistance, please Contact Us.

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