Merge Tool
    • Oscuro
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    Merge Tool

    • Oscuro
    • PDF

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    Resumen del artículo

    The Merge tool allows you to combine multiple measurements that touch/overlap into one measurement. 

    This tool can be very useful for refining measurements that are returned when using Floor Plan AI.
    Click for use case example video.

    What to Know

    • Merge only works for area measurements or line measurements drawn as a polygon.
    • The measurements must be touching/overlapping.
    • The measurements must be part of the same takeoff.
    • The measurements must have the same scale, labels, inputs, and multiplier values.

    See below for instructions:
    Merge Measurements

    Merge Measurements

    1. Select the measurements on your takeoff that you want to combine.
    2. Click Edit on the Measuring Toolbar on the right of the screen and select Merge.
      Use keyboard shortcut U to combine the selected measurements.

    TIP: You can use Undo to revert the Merge if needed.

    Floor Plan AI

    If you need additional assistance, please Contact Us.

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