Estimate Worksheet Overview
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Estimate Worksheet Overview

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Article summary

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STACK’s Estimate Worksheet is designed to work within a variety of workflows and give you the freedom and flexibility to generate estimates that capture the specific data you need.

When you create an Estimate Worksheet, it pulls all current project data to the estimate - even takeoffs without measurements and takeoffs with no items or assemblies.

Directly Enter Data

You can enter and change certain data directly on the estimate worksheet. For example, you can manually add line items and enter unit costs/quantities for them. You can also override existing quantities. This means you can add things to your estimate even if you don’t yet have quantities or measurements (no takeoff needed) and can change quantities without having to edit your takeoffs. It also means you can enter unit costs and line-item markups or override the defaults coming from your STACK Items and your Company Cost Types.

Customize Format

You get to choose what information is shown and how it’s organized for each estimate. You can group line items, move or hide columns, filter, and sort. Once an estimate is set up the way you want, you can save that layout as a Saved View so anyone working in that estimate can quickly apply the same filters and groupings to that estimate worksheet.


Estimate data can be exported to Excel with the click of a button so you can further manipulate the data, print it to PDF, or use it in another estimating/proposal software. See Export Estimate Worksheet Data for more info.

NOTE: This Estimate option does not currently support the ability to update pricing from catalogs (1Build or BNi). Also note that quantities are not rounded on the estimate (you can manually enter an Adjusted Quantity). Since rounding is handled differently, be aware that the selling price generated with the Estimate Worksheet may not exactly match the selling price on Unit Cost Estimates and Material and Labor Estimates for the same project.*

*You can continue to create Unit Cost Estimates and Material and Labor Estimates if you'd like.

See below for more information and instructions:
Create an Estimate
Rename an Estimate
Estimate Scope
Roll Up Data
Group Line Items
Customize Column Layout

Filter Data
Sort Data

Coverage Rate

Add a Row/Line Item
Manually Enter Data
Rounding of Estimate Worksheet Data

Create an Estimate

You can create multiple estimates per project.

  1. Click on the Estimate icon next to the project on the Project List.
    Click the ESTIMATES tab within the project.
    This will take you to the Estimate Home page.
  2. Click the green New Estimate button.
  3. Select Estimate Worksheet.
     The estimate worksheet will open for you to review/adjust as needed.

All estimates you create will be listed on the Estimate Home page. You will open an estimate from the Estimate Home page by clicking on the estimate name.

Rename an Estimate

By default, when you create an estimate, it is named Estimate.
We recommend renaming your estimates so it’s easier to find the estimate you want on the Estimate Home page.

Image of Estimate Name Field

  1. In the open estimate, click on the estimate name at the top left of the estimate.
  2. Type in the desired estimate name.
  3. Hit Enter on your keyboard or click outside of the text box.
    The new name will be listed on the Estimate Home page.

Estimate Scope

You have the option to define the scope of an estimate. This lets you choose what data is available to view in the estimate and included in the estimate totals. You can include data based on Takeoffs, Takeoff Tags, Assemblies, Plan Sheets, and/or Labels. You have the option to include all data from a category or select individual takeoffs (those with and without measurements), tags, assemblies, plan sheets (only those with takeoffs or measurements), or labels from the project. You can include as many categories or individual selections as you'd like.

This allows you to create a very customized estimate that focuses on specific areas of interest which can be useful for many things, like breaking out the costs for alternates or phases.

NOTE: If you do not define the scope, all project data will be available to view in the estimate and will be included in the estimate totals. 

If you do define the scope, data you choose not to include will not be available in the estimate and will not be included in the estimate totals. If you later want to include that data in the estimate, you will have to edit the scope.

Define the Estimate Scope

  1. Click the Define Scope button on the green TOTALS bar at the bottom of the estimate.
  2. Check the box next to the data you want included in the estimate. (Uncheck the box to exclude that data.)
    TIP: You can quickly deselect/select all categories by clicking Deselect All  or Select All and expand or collapse all categories by clicking Expand All or Collapse All. You can also use the Search bar to find a specific takeoff, tag, assembly, sheet, or label.
    • Check the box next to Takeoffs, Takeoff Tags, Assemblies, Sheets, and/or Labels to include all data for the selected categories. (If a there are no Assemblies or Sheets, they will not be listed as a category to select.)
    • To select specific takeoffs, tags, assemblies, sheets, or labels: click the carrot icon next to a category to expand the category list and check the box next to each specific piece of data you want included.
      If "None" is an option listed when you expand a category, you can select/deselect that option to include or filter out line items that don't belong to an Assembly, measurements that are not labeled, Takeoffs that are not tagged, etc.
  3. Click Apply.

Edit the Estimate Scope

If you need to change the estimate scope, follow the instructions above and check/uncheck the boxes for information you want included/excluded from the estimate.

Roll Up Data

When you have an item that is associated with multiple takeoffs, plans, assemblies, and/or labels, you can choose to roll up all the associated data and display it as a single line item on your Estimate or roll out the data and display them as individual line items.

When you Roll Up the data, the associated line item cells are either summed (Takeoff Quantity and Extended Cost) or copied (Unit Cost and Waste %)*. If you manually enter data in a cell while the data is rolled up, it also changes the data for all the individual line items. NOTE: You cannot change the Adjusted Quantity for items while they are rolled up, you must roll out the data and enter the quantity for each individual line item.

*If the individual line items have a different Unit Cost and/or Waste % when they roll up, “Varies” will be displayed in the cell. 

Roll Up is the default view when you create an Estimate.

NOTE: You cannot Roll Up and Group By the same category. E.g., If you Roll Up data by "Assembly" and then Group By "Assembly", the Roll Up "Assembly" option will automatically be deselected.

To choose how or if data is rolled up:

  1. Click Roll Up on the estimate toolbar at the top of the estimate.
  2. Check the box next to the category/categories you want to use to roll up your item data.
    Uncheck the box next to the category/categories you do NOT want used to roll up your item data. 
  1. Click outside of the dropdown menu to close it.

Group Line Items

You can group (and subgroup) line items on the estimate by Takeoff, Assembly, Plan Name, Item Folder Level, and/or any Labels you’ve applied to any measurements.

NOTE: You cannot Roll Up and Group By the same category. E.g., If you Roll Up data by "Assembly" and then Group By "Assembly", the Roll Up "Assembly" option will automatically be deselected.

  1. Click Group By on the estimate toolbar at the top of the estimate.
  2. Check the box next to the category/categories you want to use to group your data.
     Selecting multiple categories will create subgroups.

TIP: You can also Group by hovering over the column name (of columns that can be grouped), clicking the carrot icon that appears, and selecting Group By This Column from the dropdown.


If you no longer want to Group By a certain category, repeat step 1 above, then uncheck the box next to the category/categories you do not want.


The order of the selected categories on the Group By dropdown menu determines the grouping order. The selected category at the top of the menu is the top-level group and the subgroup order follows the order of the other selected categories.

You can change the list order to create the Group/Subgroup order that you want.

Change the Group/Subgroup Order

  1. Click Group By on the estimate toolbar at the top of the estimate.
  2. On the dropdown menu, click and drag the selected categories so they are listed in the order you want.

You can expand or collapse all grouped data at once:

  1. Hover over the Group column name.
  2. Click the carrot icon that appears.
  3. Select Expand All or Collapse All from the dropdown.

To collapse or expand individual groups, click the carrot icon to the left of the Group name.

Customize Column Layout

You have a lot of flexibility to customize the column layout and how you view your estimate data.

You can change the column order, hide columns, resize columns, and pin columns to the side of the estimate so they don’t scroll out of view.

Change Column Order

It’s easy to move columns anywhere you want with a quick drag and drop.

  1. Click on the Column Name you want to move.
  2. While still clicking, drag the column to where you want it.
  3. Release your mouse.

Hide/Unhide Columns

You get to decide which columns are visible on the estimate by hiding or removing columns from view. And it’s as simple as drag and drop.

Hide a Column

  1. Click on the Column Name you want to move.
  2. While still clicking, drag the column outside of the worksheet area.
  3. Release your mouse.


  1. Hover over the Group column name.
  2. Click the carrot icon that appears.
  3. Select Hide This Column from the dropdown.

NOTE: You can also follow steps 1-2 below and uncheck the box next to the column name to hide the column.

Unhide a Column

  1. Click Columns on the estimate toolbar at the top of the estimate.
  2. Type the Column Name you want to see on the estimate in the Search box (or scroll down to find it).
  3. Check the box next to the column name to include it on the estimate.
    (Check the box next to Select All to make all columns visible on the estimate.)

Adjust Column Size

You can adjust the size of individual columns or use Autosize to adjust the width of all columns at once.

Resize Individual Columns

  1. Hover over the vertical dividing line to the right of the column name you want to adjust until your cursor becomes a horizontal line with arrows at the ends.
  2. Double click and the column will automatically adjust to the width necessary to display the data it contains.
    Click and drag the line to manually adjust the width of the column (right to increase, left to decrease).


  1. Hover over the column name you want to adjust.
  2. Click the carrot icon that appears.
  3. Select Autosize This Column from the dropdown. 

Autosize All Columns

To automatically adjust all columns to the width necessary to display the data they contain.

  1. Click Columns on the estimate toolbar at the top of the estimate.
  2. Click Autosize All Columns at the top of the dropdown.


  1. Hover over any column name.
  2. Click the carrot icon that appears.
  3. Select Autosize All  Columns from the dropdown.

Pin Columns

You can “freeze” columns so they’re always visible and won’t scroll out of view by pinning them to either side of the estimate worksheet.

  1. Click on the column name you want to pin.
  2. While still clicking, drag the column all the way to the side where you want it pinned.
  3. When you see a pin icon and the column has moved, release your mouse.


  1. Hover over the column name you want to pin.
  2. Click the carrot icon that appears.
  3. Select PinColumn Left or Pin Column Right from the dropdown.

Multiple columns can be pinned to each side of the estimate. You can change the order of pinned columns by clicking and dragging them.

Unpin a Column

  1. Click on the column name you want to unpin.
  2. While still clicking, drag the column away from the side of the estimate to where you want the column located.
  3. Release your mouse.


  1. Hover over the column name you want to unpin.
  2. Click the carrot icon that appears.
  3. Select Unpin Column from the dropdown. 

Filter Data

You can filter data in any column and can apply filters to multiple columns to remove data from view on the Estimate worksheet so you can focus on specific areas of interest. Filter options (text/number) for each column depend on the type of data they contain.

Apply Filters

    1. Hover over the column name you want to filter.
    2. Click the Filter icon that appears to the right.
    3. Select the filter option you want.
      Depending on the column, there may be checkboxes or a dropdown menu from which to select.
    4. If you selected from a dropdown menu
      • Type the data you want returned in the Filter…box.
      • If you want to apply a second parameter to the filter -
        Click AND for results that include both.
        Click OR for results that include either.
      • Open the second dropdown menu and select the filter option you want.
      • Type the additional data you want returned in the Filter…box.
    5. Click outside of the filter window to close it.

A funnel icon is displayed next to the column name when a filter is applied.

Remove Filters

  1. Click the Filter icon to the right of the column name from which you want to remove the filter.
  2. Delete/clear the data in the Filter…box(es).
  3. Click the top of the filter window to close it.

Sort Data

Estimates can be sorted by the data in any column, and you can sort by multiple columns.

If a column is currently sorted, an arrow will be displayed next to the column name. 

  1. Hover over the column name you want to sort.
  2. Click the arrow that appears to the right of the column name once to sort the data from smallest to largest.
     An arrow pointing up will appear next to the column name.
  3. Click the arrow again to sort from largest to smallest.
     An arrow pointing down will appear next to the column name.
  4. Click the arrow again to stop sorting.
    No arrow will be displayed.

To sort by an additional column(s), hold the shift key and repeat the steps above for each additional column you want to sort.


Saving Views in your Estimate Worksheet can be a huge timesaver. Views allow your team to apply preset column layouts, filters, sorts, and groupings to the Estimate Worksheet to quickly see the estimate data in different ways.

Once you set up the estimate to display the information in a way you want, just save that view. You can then change the estimate layout to display different data and save that view. Your team can create as many different views as needed. Then any account user who has access to estimates can apply any of the saved views to the estimate to easily switch back and forth between the different estimate layouts that have been created. This can be useful if you want to look at data by Label or Takeoffs; or you could create a proposal view, material cost view, labor cost view…. anything you need.

Views can be saved as an Estimate View or a Company View. 

  • Estimate Views are only available for use in the Estimate Worksheet in which they are created.
    (However, if you copy the Estimate Worksheet or copy the project, the Estimate Views will be included in the copy.)
  • Company Views are available for use in every Estimate Worksheet in the account.

This allows any account user who has access to estimates to see to the same views in the Estimate Worksheet. Any account user who has access to estimates can also save, update, or delete the views. 

STACK also provides a Default view which is the condensed list of columns shown when you first create an estimate. If you start moving and hiding columns and feel like you just need to start over, you can apply the Default view to get back to the original view.

Save a View

Views can be saved as an Estimate View which is specific to the Estimate Worksheet in which it is created, or as a Company View which is available for use on any Estimate Worksheet in the account. Either type of Saved View can been applied, updated, or deleted by any account user who has access to Estimates.

  1. Click Views on the estimate toolbar at the top of the estimate.
  2. Select Save View.
  3. Type in the View Name.
  4. (Optional) Check the Company View box if you want the view to be available for use in all Estimate Worksheets.
    If you do not check the box, the view will be saved as an Estimate View and will only be available for use in this Estimate Worksheet.
  5. Click Save.

You can create multiple views. Views you save will be listed in the Views dropdown for use by anyone (with the appropriate role/permissions). Views listed under Estimate Views are only available in that specific Estimate Worksheet. Views listed under Company Views are available in every Estimate Worksheet

Apply / Switch Views

You can quickly apply/switch between any Saved Views or the STACK Default view.

  1. Click Views on the estimate toolbar at the top of the estimate.
  2. Select the view you want to apply from the list.
    (To revert to the default estimate view, select Default.)

Update a View

If you save a view and later find that you need to add/remove a column or change the way the data is grouped, you can apply those updates to the saved view, and they will be a part of that view going forward. You can also rename a view if needed.

NOTE: You can only update views that have been created by someone in your account, not the STACK Default view. However, you can make changes to the Default view and then save that view.

  1. Make the layout changes you want.
  2. Click Views on the estimate toolbar at the top of the estimate and locate the view you want to update on the dropdown.
  3. Click the Update icon to the right of the view name.

Rename a View 

  1. Click Views on the estimate toolbar at the top of the estimate and locate the view you want to rename on the dropdown.
  2. Click the Edit (pencil) icon to the right to the view name.
  3. Type in the new View Name.
  4. Rename button.

Delete a View

If needed, you can delete a view that has been saved and it will no longer be available for use.

NOTE: You can only delete saved Estimate Views and Company Views, not the STACK Default view.

  1. Click Views on the estimate toolbar at the top of the Estimate  Worksheet and locate the view you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete (trash) icon to the right of the view name.
  3. Click the red Delete button to confirm.

Coverage Rate

The Rate column shows the coverage rate for each item you’ve added to your takeoffs as the ratio of measured coverage and measured unit to purchase coverage and purchase unit.
(E.g., If the item is paint, the ratio might be 350 Sq Ft / 1 Gallon)

You can view and edit coverage rates directly in your Estimate Worksheet.

Edit the Rate

NOTE: You can only edit if the cell has a white background and you can only edit the amounts, not the unit types.

  1. Double click in the Rate cell for that item.
  2. Type in a new Measured Coverage and/or Purchase Coverage amount.
  3. Hit enter on your keyboard.

TIP: You can use your keyboard to easily maneuver - use the tab key move from measured coverage to purchase coverage and the arrow keys to move from one line item to the next.

The Rate can also be changed by changing the Purchase Quantity. If you manually enter data in the Purchase Quantity cell for a line item, the Rate will automatically recalculate based on the new Purchase Quantity data.

NOTE: Edits you make to the measured coverage or purchase coverage data on the Estimate Worksheet are only applied to the estimate. The item information in the Item Library is not updated.

Reset the Rate

If you have changed the Rate and want to revert back to the original Rate for a specific line item, right click on that item's Rate cell and select Reset Rate or Reset Rate to Assembly Formula.

If you want to revert back to the original Rate for all line items, click the carrot icon that appears when you hover over the Rate column header and select Reset all Rates in column.

NOTE: If your takeoffs have items that are not part of an assembly and you change your project's measurements from imperial to metric or vice versa, you will need to follow the follow the instructions above to Reset all Rates in column so STACK can convert the data in the Rate column to the appropriate measurement system to provide accurate Purchase Quantity data.

Add a Row / Line Item

You can add line-item rows directly on the estimate, then manually enter an item name and other data like unit cost and adjusted quantity. This gives you the ability to add things to the estimate without creating a takeoff.

  1. Right click within the estimate worksheet.
  2. Click Add row.
     A new row will appear at the bottom of the worksheet or Group.
  3. Enter data in the Item, Unit Cost, Adjusted Quantity and any other appropriate cells.

NOTE: If you add a row when data is grouped, the item will appear in that Group and will always be associated with that Group. This means if you later ungroup, and make the Group column visible (e.g., Label), the new line item will have the appropriate value for that column, and if you later regroup, the line item will still appear in that Group.

Delete an Added Row

Only rows you have manually added to the estimate can be deleted.

NOTE: Deleting a row is permanent and cannot be undone.

  1. Right click on the row you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete row.

Manually Enter Data

There are certain cells where you can enter or change data directly on the estimate. (You can also edit Assembly Inputs for any assemblies directly from the Estimate Worksheet - info below).

Cells that can be edited have a white background - simply click on the cell and type in the data you want. You cannot manually edit/enter data in cells with a light grey background.

NOTE: Any data you manually enter/override on the estimate - like unit cost or adjusted quantity - will persist even when changes are made to the takeoffs themselves, or to the unit costs in your catalogs. The only way to update the manually entered data is to manually enter new data, it will not automatically update.

Shortcuts for Entering Data

  • You can copy and paste data within the editable cells on the estimate.
  • You can also copy and paste data from editable cells back and forth from your estimate and Excel.
  • You can drag and fill to enter the same data in consecutive cells within a column - enter the data in one cell, then click the green square in the bottom right of the cell and drag up or down to fill the other cells with the same data.

  • When you right click on cells in some columns (Cost Type Unit Cost, Cost Type Markup %, and Waste %), you can choose to apply the value of that cell to other line items with the same purchase unit in the entire column or grouping (if you are using Group By on the estimate).
  • If you have manually entered data in the cells of some columns (Coverage Rate, Cost Type Unit Cost, Cost Type Accounting Code), you can right click on the cell and choose to reset the value of that cell, the entire column, or a set of cells you have selected.

Edit Assembly Inputs

You don't have to go back to the PLANS & TAKEOFFS section to change Assembly Inputs like Item Groups and Custom Variables, you can do this directly from the Estimate Worksheet

TIP: It's helpful to Group By Assembly before editing Assembly Inputs so you can see which line items will be affected by the changes you make.

To change an assembly's inputs, right click on a cell, select Edit Assembly Inputs, and make the necessary changes. 

Based on the changes you make, information like Item Name, Rate, and Purchase Quantity will automatically update on the Estimate Worksheet for all the line items that are part of that assembly.

NOTE: The changes you make to Assembly Inputs are not confined to the specific Estimate Worksheet where they're made. Changes impact the entire project and are reflected on the Takeoff Settings panel in the PLANS & TAKEOFFS section of the project and on other Estimates in the project.

Rounding of Estimate Worksheet Data


It is likely you will have some quantities on the Estimate Worksheet that are decimals. Quantities are NOT automatically rounded to the nearest whole number so you can see what the actual measurements/counts are for each line item and to ensure accurate calculations when items are rolled up, rolled out, and grouped in different combinations.

If you want to use a whole number to calculate your estimate totals, you have the ability to round the Purchase Quantity of individual line items, groupings, or all line items in the Purchase Quantity column. You can also manually enter a quantity in the Purchase Quantity field of any line item. The rounded or manually entered Purchase Quantities will be used to calculate everything (Rate, Extended Costs, Markup, Base Costs) needed to determine the total estimate SELLING PRICE.

Round Purchase Quantity by Line Item

  1. In the Purchase Quantity column, select the cell for each line item quantity you want to round. 
  2. Right click on the cell and select Round Purchase Quantity from the menu.

Round Purchase Quantity by Group

TIP: If you export your estimate to proposal, we recommend that you round the quantities by group right before you export and use the same groupings you plan to use when exporting.

  1. If your estimate is grouped by any category, in the Purchase Quantity column, select the header cell for each Group you want to round.
  2. Right click on the cell and select Round Purchase Quantity from the menu.
    The quantity for all line items in the selected Group(s) will be rounded.

Round All Purchase Quantities

  1. Hover over the Purchase Quantity column header and click the carrot icon that appears.
  2. Select Round all Purchase Quantity in column from the menu.
    The quantity for all line items in the column will be rounded. 

Dollar Amounts

Dollars amounts are calculated based on a quantity multiplied by some dollar/cents input. This rarely results in an amount with exact cents at two decimal places. For example, 25.67 sf x $15.43 = $396.0881.

STACK maintains all dollar amounts to 8 decimal places in our database and rounds them to the nearest penny for display in the Estimate Worksheet. So, in the above example, we keep $396.0881 in the database, but you see $396.09 on the Estimate Worksheet. This allows us to  

Occasionally this results in what appears to be a calculation error, because if you add the displayed (rounded) values together, they sometimes don’t match the total we display, which is rounded based on the 8 decimal place amount database calculations. The differences are rarely significant but are something to be aware of. 


This process actually allows us to calculate more accurate totals while presenting data in the most useful format. Most applications, including Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, function in this way – maintaining unrounded numbers in the database and rounding at the last minute to display a relevant dollars and cents value.

Add or Delete Additional Costs from an Estimate Worksheet
Export Estimate Worksheet Data
Unit Cost Estimate / Material and Labor Estimate Overview

If you need additional assistance, please Contact Us.

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