STACK Quick Start Assemblies
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    STACK Quick Start Assemblies

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    This help article will cover STACK’s Quick Assemblies catalog. These simplified assemblies are a great starting point for the new user. Experienced users may also benefit from their focus on the most important items and most common conditions.

    As of the date of this article STACK offers Quick Start assemblies for divisions 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 22, 23, 26 and 32.


    If you have used items and assemblies before, you will see that STACK’s Quick Start assemblies differ from standard STACK assemblies in that they make several assumptions about building conditions.

    Items have been simplified with choices that are more generalized than our typical offering. Formulas use common variable choices and item coverage rates. More items have been moved to “Required Items” for the same reasons. None of these assemblies contain a material waste factor. Details of each will be covered below.

    STACK Quick Start Assemblies

    02 Asphalt Quick Start Assemblies
    03 Concrete Quick Start Assemblies
    04 Masonry Quick Start Assemblies
    06 Wood, Plastics & Composites
    07 Roofing Quick Start Assemblies
    09 Finishes Quick Start Assemblies
    22 Plumbing Quick Start Assemblies
    23 HVAC Quick Start Assemblies
    26 Electrical Quick Start Assemblies
    32 Landscaping Quick Start Assemblies

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