Merge Two STACK Accounts
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    Merge Two STACK Accounts

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    En Español

    Within STACK, all users and projects are housed inside a company. Upon request our Customer Success team can merge two or more companies into a single company. This is helpful when team members want to transition from using STACK independently to collaborating together on projects.


    Source Company - users and data from this account will move to the Destination Account. After the merge this account will be abandoned.

    Destination Company - after the merge, all data will be in this account. Users who previously logged-in to Source Account will log-in to this account instead.

    What Will Merge


    All users from Source will move to Destination. User Roles will not change.


    All projects, including all plans measurements, snapshots, labels, estimates and proposals will move from Source to Destination.

    Bid Calendar Events

    All bid calendar events will move

    Items and Assemblies from My Items

    All custom items and assemblies will move. To ensure uniqueness, a new root folder will be created for both Items and Assemblies, prefixed with a unique identifier.

    Cost Types

    All custom cost types will move, with a prefix appended to the cost type name to ensure uniqueness.

    Costs, Accounting Codes, Cost Types from STACK catalogs

    Any costs, accounting codes or cost types that have been applied to STACK catalog items will move only if the Destination Company does not have a cost, accounting code, or cost type applied to that same item.

    Catalog Access

    The Destination Company will be given access to any catalogs that the Source Company had.

    Takeoff Template Library

    All takeoff templates in the library will move, with a prefix appended to the template name to ensure uniqueness.

    Label Library

    All label and options in the library will move with a prefix appended to the label name to ensure uniqueness

    Scope of Work and Terms and Condition Templates

    All scope of work and terms and condition templates will move, names may be changed to ensure uniqueness.

    Non Measured Item Sets

    All non-measured item sets will move, names may be changed to ensure uniqueness.

    Trade Names

    All trade names will move, names may be changed to ensure uniqueness. Logo imagers will not move, these will need to be uploaded again.

    The Merge Process

    Please contact your Customer Success rep in order to initiate a merge. The merge may take up to 2 business days to complete.

    Upon completion of the merge, all users of the Source Company will have to log-out. When logging back in these users will now be part of Destination Company.

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