Create, Edit, or Delete Custom Items
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    Create, Edit, or Delete Custom Items

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    Why Create a Custom Item 
    While STACK provides thousands of pre-built items that will easily work for most projects, there may be times when those items don't fit your exact need. Creating a custom item allows you to incorporate the unique project costs specific to your work. Once you've created an item, it's available for you to re-use project after project, and you can edit or delete it at any time if needed.

    Best Practices
    Custom items are created and saved under Libraries/Items/My Items. We strongly recommend that you create a folder structure there to help organize your custom items and that you give your items detailed names so you can easily find what you need as your library of custom items grows.

    TIP: You can click and drag items to easily move them from one folder to another within your My Items library.

    Ways to Create a Custom Item 

    • Create an item from scratch.
    • Copy a pre-built item and customize it to suit your needs.
      This can be an item you've previously created or an item from the STACK, Quick Start, 1build*, BNi*, or other item library.
    • Bulk import item information. NOTE: This is only advised if you have a large number of custom items to create or edit. See Bulk Import Custom Items to STACK for more info.

    *If you copy a BNi or 1build item, the copied item will not be connected to the regional cost database, you will have to manually enter costs.

    See below for instructions to:
    Create a Custom Item
    Customize List of Purchase Units
    Copy and Customize a Pre-Built Item
    Edit a Custom Item

    Create a Custom Item

    1. Click Libraries on the main navigation toolbar.
    2. Click the Items tab.
    3. Select My Items from the Library dropdown.
    4. Locate the folder where you want to save the item. (Create a new folder if needed.)
    5. Click the green + that appears when you hover over the folder.
      Click the three dots next to the folder and select Add New Item.
    6. Type in a name for the item where it says New Item (highlighted in blue).
    7. Enter the item information.
      (See What is an Item for detailed field descriptions.)
      • Item Details
        Enter the Measured Coverage and select the Unit of Measurement from the corresponding dropdown.
        Enter the Purchase Coverage for select the Purchase Unit* from the corresponding dropdown.
        NOTE: To estimate labor hours for an item in the Estimate Worksheet, the Purchase Unit needs to be Hours.
        (Optional) Enter an Item Number for reference.
        (Optional) Enter an Item Description.
      • Cost Types 
        Check the box next to each Cost Type you want applied to the item. (You must select at least one.)
        (Optional) Enter an Accounting Code and Unit Cost for each selected cost type.
      • Notes
        (Optional) Click in the Notes section and type any additional item information. You can format as needed.
    8. Click Save if this is the only item you want to create.
      Click Create and Add Another to save the item you just created and quickly create another, similar item.
      Example: If you are creating one item to represent drywall, just click Save and you are done. However, if you are creating several items to represent different drywall sizes, you can click Create and Add Another which will save the item information you entered and leave the Item Information fields populated so you can make the changes you want for the next item without retyping everything. You can click Create and Add Another and repeat the process until you have created all the items you want, then click Save and exit the edit screen.

    *You can customize the list of purchase units available in the dropdown. See instructions below.

    Customize List of Purchase Units

    STACK provides a list of the most common purchase units for you to choose from when creating an item. However, you can create a custom list or purchase units specific to your work. You can add or delete purchase units from the list and arrange the order in which they appear in the dropdown.

    Add a Purchase Unit

    1. Click the Settings (gear) icon to the right of the Library dropdown.
    2. Click + Add new Unit.
    3. Enter the purchase unit name in the Name field and Description field.
    4. Press enter on your keyboard OR click +Add new Unit again.

    Change List Order

    1. Click the Settings (gear) icon to the right of the Library dropdown.
    2. Click to the left of a purchase unit and drag it where you want it on the list.

    Delete a Purchase Unit

    NOTE: You cannot delete the Hours purchase unit.

    1. Click the Settings (gear) icon to the right of the Library dropdown.
    2. Click the Trash icon to the right of the Purchase Unit you want to delete.
    3. Click Yes to confirm.

    Copy and Customize a Pre-Built Item

    (From STACK, Quick Start, 1build, BNi, or other item library*)

    *If you copy a 1build or BNi item, the copied item will not be connected to the regional cost database, you will have to manually enter costs.

    1. Click Libraries on the main navigation toolbar.
    2. Click the Items tab.
    3. Select the library containing the item you want to copy from the Library dropdown.
    4. Locate and click on the item you want to copy.
    5. Click Save As.
    6. Enter a new Item Name. (We recommend changing the name to avoid confusing the new item with the existing item.)
    7. Click on the folder where you want to save the copied item.
    8. Click Save.
      The item will be saved in the My Items library in the selected folder and the item information screen will open.
    9. If you want to edit any of the Item Details, Cost Types data, or add Notes, make those changes, and click the green Save button. (See What is an Item for detailed field descriptions.)

    Edit or Delete a Custom Item

    NOTE: Any changes made to an item will affect ALL projects (future AND existing) that contain that item.*
    We recommend that you download and/or Create Snapshot of existing reports, estimates, and estimate worksheets for projects that use the item you want to edit or delete, prior to making the changes, so you have a record of the original reports and estimates.

    *Changes to Unit Cost are an exception - they will be updated on existing reports and will be applied to estimates and reports created after the edit, but will NOT be updated on existing estimates.

    Edit an Item
    Libraries Top Nav marked(1)

    1. Click Libraries on the main navigation toolbar.
    2. Click the Items tab.
    3. Select My Items from the Library dropdown.
    4. Click on the item you want to edit.
    5. Edit the item information you want to change.
    6. You must click Save to save your changes. (If you click Cancel, the changes you’ve made will NOT be saved.)

    Delete an Item

    1. Click the Items tab.
    2. Select My Items from the Library dropdown.
    3. Locate the item you want to delete and click the three dots to the right of the item name.
    4. Click Delete
    5. Click the red Delete Item button to confirm.

    Next Steps

    Add or Remove Items from a Takeoff
    Add, Edit, or Remove an Assembly on a Takeoff
    Create a Custom Assembly

    What is an Item
    Bulk Import Custom Items to STACK
    Export Your Custom Items from STACK
    What is an Assembly

    If you need additional assistance, please Contact Us.

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