Excel Functions in Formulas
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    Excel Functions in Formulas

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    Excel functions extend your range of options when calculating an item or a condition. 

    Below are the Excel functions, with examples, that you can use when creating a custom Item Formula in STACK.

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    Absolute Value (ABS)

    Returns the absolute value of a number, a number without its sign.

    EX: abs([MeasuredLinear]*-4.23)
         = abs([144.89]*-4.23)
         = abs(-612.88)
         = 612.88


    Checks whether all arguments are TRUE and returns "TRUE" if all arguments are TRUE.

    NOTE: Works well with the If function when multiple TRUE statements apply to a situation.


     EX: if(and([MeasuredLinear]<0,[MeasuredLinear]<=8,[MeasuredLinear]/8,0)
         = if(and([4]>0,[4]<=8),[4]/8,0)
         = if(TRUE,[4]/8,0)
         = TRUE,[4]/8
         = 0.50
     EX: if(and([MeasuredLinear]<0,[MeasuredLinear]<=8,[MeasuredLinear]/8,0)
         = if(and([9]>0,[9]<=8),[9]/8,0)
         = if(FALSE,[9]/8,0)
         = FALSE,0
         = 0.00

    Arccosine, Inverse Cosine (ACOS)

    Returns the arccosine, or inverse cosine, of a number. The arccosine is the angle whose cosine is number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range 0 (zero) to pi. The cosine of the angle (Number) you want and must be from -1 to 1.

    NOTE: Takes exactly one argument (independent variable). Works well with the Radians function and Degrees function.

     EX: acos([CustomVariable1])
         = acos([0.25])
         = 1.32
     EX: acos(radians([AngleInDegrees]))
         = acos(radians([45]))
         = acos(0.79)
         = 0.67
     EX: degrees(acos([CustomVariable1])
         = degrees(acos([0.25]))
         = degrees(1.32)
         = 75.52

    Arcsine, Inverse Sine (ASIN)

    Returns the arcsine, or inverse sine, of a number. The arcsine is the angle whose sine is number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.

    NOTE: Takes exactly one argument (independent variable). Works well with the Radians function and Degrees function.

     EX: asin([CustomVariable1])
         = asin([1])
         = 1.57
     EX: asin(radians([AngleInDegrees]))
         = asin(radians([45]))
         = asin(0.79)
         = 0.90
     EX: degrees(asin([CustomVariable1])
         = degrees(asin([1]))
         = degrees(1.57)
         = 90.00

    Arctangent, Inverse Tangent (ATAN)

    Returns the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of a number. The arctangent is the angle whose tangent is number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.

    NOTE: Takes exactly one argument (independent variable). Works well with the Radians function and Degrees function.

     EX: atan([CustomVariable1])
         = atan([1])
         = 0.79
     EX: atan(radians([AngleInDegrees]))
         = atan(radians([45]))
         = atan(0.79)
         = 0.67
     EX: degrees(atan([CustomVariable1])
         = degrees(atan([1]))
         = degrees(0.79)
         = 45.00



    Rounds a number up, to the nearest multiple of significance.

    NOTE: Rounding will occur for each measurement drawn before the values are added together. Rounding may cause a larger value than expected. Use with caution.

     EX: ceiling([MeasuredLinear],1)
         = ceiling(664.77,1)
         = 665.00
     EX: ceiling([MeasuredLinear],2)
         = ceiling(664.77,2)
         = 666.00
     EX: ceiling([MeasuredLinear],5)
         = ceiling(664.77,5)
         = 665.00
     EX: ceiling([MeasuredLinear],10)
         = ceiling(664.77,10)
         = 670.00
     EX: ceiling([MeasuredLinear]/12,1)
         = ceiling([1032.26]/12,1)
         = ceiling(86.02,1)
         = 87.00


    Choose a value or action to perform from a list of values, based on an index number you provide.

     EX: choose(1,78,49,22)
     EX: choose(2,78,49,22)
     EX: choose(3,78,49,22)
     EX: choose([CustomVariable1],[MeasuredLinear],[CustomVariable2],[CustomVariable3])
         = choose([3],[70],[10],[20])
         = choose(3,70,10,20)
         = 20

    Cosine (COS)

    Returns the cosine of an angle.

    NOTE: Takes exactly one argument (independent variable). Works well with the Radians function and Degrees function.


     EX: cos(radians([DegreeOfAngle]))
         = cos(radians([30]))
         = cos(0.52)
         = 0.87
     EX: degrees(cos([CustomVariable1]))
         = degrees(cos([1]))
         = degrees(0.54)
         = 30.96



    Converts radians to degrees.

    NOTE: Angles must be converted from degrees to radians when used inside trigonometric functions. See Radians function.

     EX: degrees(1.05)
         = 60
     EX: degrees(acos([CustomVariable1])
         = degrees(acos([0.25]))
         = degrees(1.32)
         = 75.52


    E-constant (EXP)

    Returns e raised to the power of number. The constant e equals 2.71828182845904, the base of the natural logarithm.

    NOTE: Takes exactly one argument (independent variable).

     EX: exp(1)
         = 2.72
     EX: exp(2)
         = 7.39


    Rounds a positive number up and a negative number down to the nearest even integer.

    NOTE: Rounding will occur for each measurement drawn before the values are added together. Rounding may cause a larger value than expected. Use with caution.

     EX: even([MeasuredLinear])
         = even(153.25)
         = 154.00
     EX: even(-[MeasuredLinear])
         = even(-[153.25])
         = -154.00
     EX: even([MeasuredLinear]/12)
         = even([1032.26]/12)
         = even(86.02)
         = 88.00


    Rounds a number down to the nearest multiple of significance.

    NOTE: Rounding will occur for each measurement drawn before the values are added together. Rounding may cause a larger value than expected. Use with caution.

     EX: floor([MeasuredLinear],1)
         = floor(663.77,1)
         = 663.00
     EX: floor([MeasuredLinear],2)
         = 662.00
     EX: floor([MeasuredLinear],5)
         = 660.00
     EX: floor([MeasuredLinear],10)
         = 660.00
     EX: floor([MeasuredLinear]/12,1)
         = floor([1032.26]/12,1)
         = floor(86.02,1)
         = 86.00



    Checks whether a condition is met; returns one value if TRUE and another value if FALSE.

    NOTE: The entire formula is taken into consideration when validating a formula, meaning the Logical Test, TRUE statement, and FALSE statement are checked for calculation errors before a value is displayed.

     EX: if([CustomVariable]>0,[MeasuredPitchedLinear],[MeasuredLinear])
         = if([12]>0,[52],[40])
         = if(TRUE,52,40)
         = TRUE,52
         = 52.00
     EX: if([CustomVariable]>0,[MeasuredPitchedLinear],[MeasuredLinear])
         = if([0]>0,[52],[40])
         = if(FALSE,52,40)
         = FALSE,40
         = 40.00

    Round to Integer (INT)

    Rounds a number down to the nearest integer.

    NOTE: Rounding will occur for each measurement drawn before the values are added together. Rounding may cause a larger value than expected. Use with caution.

     EX: int([MeasuredArea])
         = int(255.97)
         = 255.00
     EX: int([MeasuredArea])
         = int(255.01)
         = 255.00


    Logarithm (LOG)

    Returns the logarithm of a number to the base you specify.

    NOTE: Takes exactly two arguments (independent variables).

     EX: log(10,10)
         = 1.00
     EX: log(8,2)
         = 3.00
     EX: log (86,2.7182818)
         = 4.45
     EX: log(10)
         = invalid formulaYour content goes here

    Logarithm, Base-10 (LOG10)

    Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number (assumes base of 10).

    NOTE: Takes exactly one argument (independent variable).

     EX: log10(10)
         = 1.00
     EX: log10([MeasuredLinear])
         = log(527.66)
         = 2.72



    Returns the largest value in a set of values. Ignores logical values and text.

     EX: max([MeasuredLinear],20,10)
         = max([70],20,10)
         = 70

    Remainder (MOD)

    Returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor. Works well with the Quotient function.

    NOTE: If the divisor is 0, MOD returns the “Division by 0” error.

     EX: mod([MeasuredLinear],10)
         = mod([76],10)
         = 6

    Round to Multiple (MROUND)

    Returns a number rounded to the nearest desired multiple.

    NOTE: Rounding will occur for each measurement drawn before the values are added together. Rounding may cause a larger value than expected. Use with caution.

     EX: mround([MeasuredLinear],20)
         = mround(844.95,20)
         = 840.00
     EX: mround([MeasuredLinear],20)
         = mround(874.95,20)
         = 880.00



    Rounds a positive number up and a negative number down to the nearest odd integer.

    NOTE: Rounding will occur for each measurement drawn before the values are added together. Rounding may cause a larger value than expected. Use with caution.

     EX: odd([MeasuredLinear])
         = odd(153.25)
         = 155.00
     EX: odd(-[MeasuredLinear])
         = odd(-[153.25])
         = -155.00
     EX: odd([MeasuredLinear]/12)
         = odd([1032.26]/12)
         = odd(86.02)
         = 87.00


    Checks whether any of the arguments are TRUE and returns TRUE or FALSE.
    Only returns FALSE if all arguments are FALSE.

    NOTE: Works well with the If function to check against multiple logical statements.

     EX: if(or([MeasuredLinear]=4,[MeasuredLinear]=8),[MeasuredLinear]/8,[MeasuredLinear]/10)
         = if(or([4]=4,[4]=8),[4]/8,[4]/10)
         = if(TRUE,[4]/8,[4]/10)
         = TRUE,[4]/8
         = 0.50
     EX: if(or([MeasuredLinear]=4,[MeasuredLinear]=8),[MeasuredLinear]/8,[MeasuredLinear]/10)
         = if(or([8]=4,[8]=8),[8]/8,[8]/10)
         = if(TRUE,[8]/8,[8]/10)
         = TRUE,[8]/8
         = 1.00
     EX: if(or([MeasuredLinear]=4,[MeasuredLinear]=8),[MeasuredLinear]/8,[MeasuredLinear]/10)
         = if(or([15]=4,[15]=8),[15]/8,[15]/10)
         = if(FALSE,[15]/8,[15]/10)
         = FALSE,[15]/10
         = 1.50



    Returns the value of Pi, to two decimals, takes no arguments.


     EX: pi()*([DiameterInches]/2)
         = 3.14*([12]/2)
         = 3.14*(6)
         = 18.84


    Returns the result of a number raised to a power.

     EX: power(2,3)
         = 8.00
     EX: power([DiameterInches]/12,2)
         = power([36]/12,2)
         = power(3,2)
         = (3*3)
         = 9.00


    Multiplies all the numbers given as arguments.

     EX: product(1,2,3)
         = 6
     EX: product([MeasuredLinear],power([DiameterInFeet/2],2),pi())
         = product(100.54,power(4/2,2),3.14159)
         = product(100.54,2,3.1159)
         = 1263.42



    Returns the integer portion of a division.

    NOTE: If the denominator is 0, Quotient returns the “Division by 0” error.

     EX: quotient(9,2)
         = 4.00
     EX: quotient([MeasuredLinear],4)
         = quotient([25.63],4)
         = quotient(6.4075)
         = 6.00



    Converts degrees to radians.

    NOTE: Angles must be converted from degrees to radians in all trigonometric functions.

     EX: radians([DegreeOfAngle])
         = radians(60)
         = 1.05


    Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.

    NOTE: Rounding will occur for each measurement drawn before the values are added together. Rounding may cause a larger value than expected. Use with caution.

     EX: round([MeasuredLinear],0)
         = round(156.23,0)
         = 156.00
     EX: round([MeasuredLinear],0)
         = round(156.53,0)
         = 157.00
     EX: round([MeasuredLinear]/12,0)
         = round([1032.26]/12,0)
         = round(86.02,0)
         = 86.00

    Round Down (ROUNDDOWN)

    Rounds a number down, toward zero.

    NOTE: Rounding will occur for each measurement drawn before the values are added together. Rounding may cause a larger value than expected. Use with caution.

     EX: rounddown([MeasuredArea],0)
         = rounddown (1584.63,0)
         = 1584.00
     EX: rounddown([MeasuredLinear]/12,0)
         = rounddown([1032.26]/12,0)
         = rounddown(86.02,0)
         = 86.00

    Round Up (ROUNDUP)

    Rounds a number up, away from zero.

    NOTE: Rounding will occur for each measurement drawn before the values are added together. Rounding may cause a larger value than expected. Use with caution.

     EX: roundup([MeasuredArea],0)
         = roundup (1584.63,0)
         = 1585.00
     EX: roundup([MeasuredLinear]/12,0)
         = roundup([1032.26]/12,0)
         = roundup(86.02,0)
         = 87.00

    EX: roundup([MeasuredArea],3)
         = roundup (584.6323,3)
         = 584.633

    EX:  roundup([MeasuredArea],2)
         = roundup (584.6323,2)
         = 584.64

    EX: roundup([MeasuredArea],1) (1 is the 10th's place)
         = roundup (584.6323,1)
         = 584.7

    EX: roundup([MeasuredArea],0) (Zero is the 1's place)
         = roundup (584.6323,0)
         = 585

    EX: roundup([MeasuredArea],-1) (-1 is the 10's place)
         = roundup (584.6323,-1)
         = 590

    EX: roundup([MeasuredArea],-2)
         = roundup (584.6323,-2)
         = 600

    EX: roundup([MeasuredArea],-3)
         = roundup (584.6323,-3)
         = 1000


    Sine (SIN)

    Returns the sine of an angle.

    NOTE: Takes exactly one argument (independent variable). Works well with the Radians function and Degrees function.

     EX: sin(radians([DegreeOfAngle]))
         = sin(radians([60]))
         = sin(1.05)
         = 0.87
     EX: degrees(sin([CustomVariable1]))
         = degrees(sin([1]))
         = degrees(0.84)
         = 48.21

    Square Root (SQRT)

    Returns the square root of a number.

     EX: sqrt([MeasuredCount])
         = sqrt(16)
         = 4.00


    Adds all the numbers listed as arguments.

     EX: sum(20,10,[MeasuredLinear])
         = sum(20,10,[70])
         = 100


    Tangent (TAN)

    Returns the tangent of the given angle.

    NOTE: Takes exactly one argument (independent variable). Works well with the Radians function and Degrees function.

     EX: tan(radians([AngleInDegrees]))
         = tan(radians([45]))
         = tan(0.79)
         = 1.00
     EX: degrees(tan([CustomVariable1]))
         = degrees(tan([1]))
         = degrees(1.56)
         = 89.23

    What is an Item
    What is an Assembly
    Create a Custom Assembly
    Working with Item Formulas in Assemblies
    Mastering Custom Formulas

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