Wood, Plastics and Composites Assemblies - Div 06
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    Wood, Plastics and Composites Assemblies - Div 06

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    06 Rough Carpentry - Table of Contents


    Carpentry Crews

    Floor/Ceiling Framing

    Roof Framing

    Sheathing and Deck

    Wall Framing


    GluLam Beams Only
    Linear, LVL Beams Only
    Linear, PSL Beams Only - Linear

    Summary: These assemblies work with a linear takeoff and are designed exactly the same way. Only the material items are different.


    • Waste Percentage - Enter the percentage waste factor you wish to use.

    Required Items:

    There are no required items in these assemblies.

    Item Groups:

    • Beam Material - As stated above, each assembly contains a list of the specified material type, all calculated from the linear footage of the takeoff and the waste factor entered.

    Lumber Beams Only - Linear

    Summary: This assembly works with a linear takeoff.


    • Beam Member Count
    • Waste Percentage
    • Filler Height In Inches
    • Number Of Filler Layers
    • Cap Lumber Count

    Required Items:

    16d , 3 3/8" - Sinkers - Item is calculated in pounds using the linear takeoff, Beam Member Count and Filler Height In Inches variables.

    Item Groups:

    • Choose If Douglas Fir/Southern Yellow Pine/White Pine Material - Three item groups each containing items of that species of wood. All are calculated using the linear takeoff, Beam Member Count variable, Waste Factor variable and length of the board.
    • Choose Filler Material - Calculated using the linear takeoff, waste variable and both filler variables and the size of each sheet.
    • Choose Beam Lumber Summary - Contains summary items reflecting the total linear takeoff.
    • Choose Top and/or Bottom Cap Lumber If Needed - Calculated using the linear takeoff, Cap Lumber Count variable and length of each board.

    Carpentry Crews

    Carpentry Crew by Area or Pitched Area
    Carpentry Crew Production by Count
    Carpentry Crew by Linear
    Carpentry Crew by Surface Area

    Summary: These assemblies are essentially the same, just designed for different measurement types


    • Production In Sq Ft Per Hour/Production In Lin Ft Per Hour/Production Per Each - All essentially the same variable depending on the assembly, used to calculate the number of crew hours needed.

    Required Items:

    There are no required items in these assemblies.

    Item Groups:

    • Crew Configuration - Choose the crew configuration you wish to consider for this takeoff.

    Floor/Ceiling Framing

    Ceiling Framing 2x4/2x6 - Linear NEW

    Summary: These assemblies are designed for a linear takeoff. Measure one side of the ceiling area perpendicular to the joists. Both assemblies are the same aside from the size of boards offered as items.


    • Joist Spacing In Inches - used to calculate the joist material and sinkers.
    • Waste Percentage - enter a percentage number, used to calculate band material items.
    • Joist Span In Feet - enter the length of your joists, used to calculate the Frame Ceiling summary item.
    • Number Of Band Boards - used to calculate the band material items.
    • Number Of Bridging Runs - used to calculate the bridging material items.

    Required Items:

    • Frame Ceiling (Area) - a summary item for the total area of the ceiling in question
    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using all variables and the linear takeoff measurement

    Item Groups:

    • Joist Material - calculated using the linear takeoff and joist spacing variable
    • Band Material (if required) - calculated using the linear takeoff and number of band boards variable
    • Bridging Material (if required) - calculated using the linear takeoff and bridging runs variable

    Decking Finish - Area

    Summary: This assembly works with an Area takeoff


    • Waste Factor 1 To 100 - enter a percentage waste factor

    Required Items:

    • Exterior Deck Area - a summary item reflecting the square footage from the takeoff

    Item Groups:

    • Choose Deck Boards - a selection of pressure treated lumber calculated using the takeoff area and waste factor variable

    Exterior Deck Framing 2x8/2x10/2x12 - Linear

    Summary: These assemblies are designed for a linear takeoff. Measure one edge of the deck perpendicular to the joists. All of them are the same aside from the size of boards offered as items.


    • Waste Percentage - enter a waste factor, used to calculate ledger and rim boards
    • Ledger Count - used to calculate the ledger board items
    • Joist Spacing In Inches - used to calculate the joist items
    • Joist Span In Feet - used to calculate the area summary item
    • Number Of Bridging Runs - used to calculate the bridging run items

    Required Items:

    • Exterior Deck To Frame (Area) - a summary item reflecting the total square footage of the deck
    • 16d, 4" - Galvanized - calculated using all variables and the linear takeoff

    Item Groups:

    • Ledger Board material - calculated using the linear takeoff and ledger count variable
    • Rim Board Material - calculated using the linear takeoff
    • Joist Material - calculated using the linear takeoff and joist spacing variable
    • Bridging Material - calculated using the linear takeoff and bridging run variable

    Floor/Ceiling Framing 2x8/2x10/2x12 - Linear NEW

    Summary: These assemblies are designed for a linear takeoff. Measure one edge of the area perpendicular to the joists. All of them are the same aside from the size of boards offered as items.


    • Joist Spacing In Inches - used to calculate the joist items
    • Waste Percentage - enter a waste factor, used to calculate ledger and rim boards
    • Joist Span In Feet - used to calculate the area summary item
    • Number of Band Boards - used to calculate band board items
    • Number Of Bridging Runs - used to calculate the bridging run items

    Required Items:

    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using all variables and the linear takeoff

    Item Groups:

    • Joist Material - calculated using the linear takeoff and joist spacing variable
    • Band Material (if required) - calculated using the linear takeoff and band board variable
    • Location - summary item calculated using the linear takeoff and joist span variable
    • Bridging Material - calculated using the linear takeoff and bridging run variable

    Floor/Ceiling Framing TJI - Linear NEW

    Summary: This assembly is designed for a linear takeoff. Measure one edge of the area perpendicular to the joists. All of them are the same aside from the size of boards offered as items.


    • Joist Spacing In Inches - used to calculate the joist items
    • Waste Percentage - enter a waste factor, used to calculate ledger and rim boards
    • Joist Span In Feet - used to calculate the area summary item

    Required Items:

    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using all variables and the linear takeoff

    Item Groups:

    • Joist Material - calculated using the linear takeoff and joist spacing variable
    • Location - summary item calculated using the linear takeoff and joist span variable

    Steel Bridging

    Summary: This assembly is designed for a linear takeoff. Measure one edge of the area perpendicular to the joists. All of them are the same aside from the size of boards offered as items.

    Variables: There are no custom variables in this assembly.

    Required Items: There are no required items in this assembly.

    Item Groups:

    • Bridging Material - calculated using the linear takeoff total.

    Roof Framing

    Rafters - 2x4/2x6/2x8/2x10/2x12 - Linear

    Summary: These assemblies are designed for a linear takeoff. Measure one edge of the area perpendicular to the rafters. All of them are the same aside from the size of boards offered as items.


    • Rafter Length In Feet - used to calculate the area summary item
    • Number Of Bracing Runs - used to calculate bracing lumber items
    • Waste Percentage - enter a waste factor, used to calculate ledger and rim boards
    • Rafter Spacing In Inches - Used to calculate the number of joist items

    Required Items:

    • Roof Area To Frame (area) - a square foot summary of the roof section measured
    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using all variables and the linear takeoff

    Item Groups:

    • Rafter Lumber - calculated using the linear takeoff and rafter spacing variable
    • Bracing Lumber - calculated using the linear takeoff and bracing run variable
    • Truss to Wall Connectors - calculated using the linear takeoff measurement and 24 inch spacing

    Trusses - Common/Flat/Mono Slope/Scissor - Linear

    Summary: These assemblies are designed for a linear takeoff. Measure one edge of the area perpendicular to the rafters. All of them are structured the same .


    • Roof Span In Feet - used to calculate the area summary item
    • Number Of Bracing Runs - used to calculate bracing lumber items
    • Waste Percentage - enter a waste factor, used to calculate ledger and rim boards

    Required Items:

    • Roof Trusses To Set (area) - a square foot summary of the roof section measured
    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using all variables and the linear takeoff

    Item Groups:

    • Truss - calculated using the linear takeoff and 24 inch spacing
    • Bracing Lumber - calculated using the linear takeoff and bracing run variable
    • Truss to Wall Connectors - calculated using the linear takeoff measurement and 24 inch spacing

    Sheathing and Deck

    Pitched Roof Sheathing - Pitched Area

    Summary: This assemblies is designed for a pitched area takeoff.


    • Waste Percentage - enter a waste factor, used to calculate sheathing material
    • Productivity Sf Per Hour - Used to calculate crew labor
    • Joist Or Stud Spacing Inches - Needed to calculate nails
    • Nail Spacing Inches - Needed to calculate nails

    Required Items:

    • Roof Sheathing to Install (Area) - Summary item reflecting the total square footage of the pitched area takeoff

    Item Groups:

    • Sheathing Material - calculated using the Pitched Area takeoff and waste variable
    • Fasteners - Calculated using the Pitched Area takeoff and both spacing variables
    • Sheathing Crew (if used) - Calculated using the Pitched Area takeoff and productivity variable

    Sheathing - Area

    Summary: This assembly is designed for an area takeoff.


    • Waste Factor 1 To 100 - enter a waste factor, used to calculate sheathing material
    • Productivity Sf Per Hour - Used to calculate crew labor
    • Joist Or Stud Spacing Inches - Needed to calculate nails
    • Nail Spacing Inches - Needed to calculate nails

    Required Items: There are no required items in this assembly

    Item Groups:

    • Type Of Sheathing - calculated using the Area takeoff and waste variable
    • Choose Fasteners - Calculated using the Area takeoff and both spacing variables
    • Choose Crew For Sheathing - Calculated using the Area takeoff and productivity variable
    • Location - a selection of Summary items reflecting where you measured, using the takeoff area total

    Sheathing Plan View - Linear

    Summary: This assembly is designed for a linear takeoff and can be used for walls, ceilings, floors or roof. Measure one side of the area needing sheathing. This can calculate one or two sides of the target area.


    • Sheathing Height Ft Side 1 - Enter the height or length of one side of your area, perpendicular to the takeoff measurement.
    • Sheathing Height Ft Side 2 - Enter the height or length of the other side of your area, perpendicular to the takeoff measurement.
    • Waste Factor 1 To 100 - enter a waste factor, used to calculate sheathing material
    • Joist Or Stud Spacing Inches - Needed to calculate nails
    • Nail Spacing Inches - Needed to calculate nails

    Required Items: There are no required items in this assembly

    Item Groups:

    • Type of Sheathing - calculated using the Linear takeoff, waste factor and height variables
    • Choose Fasteners - Calculated using the Linear takeoff, height variables, and both spacing variables
    • Location - a selection of Summary items reflecting where you measured, using the linear takeoff total and height variables

    Wall Framing

    2" x 4" Pony Wall Plan View - Surface Area

    Summary: This assembly is designed for a surface area takeoff and can be used to figure any type of wall to be framed. It yields total linear footage of studs rather than a stud count.


    • Top Plate Count - Enter how many layers of top plates run the length of the wall
    • Lumber Waste 1 To 100 - enter a waste factor, used to calculate all lumber
    • Stud Spacing Inches - Used to calculate stud and nail items
    • Bottom Plate Count - Enter how many layers of bottom plates run the length of the wall
    • Crew Production Linear Ft Per Hour - used to calculate crew labor items

    Required Items: 

    • Frame 2x4 Walls (linear feet) - Summary item reflecting the linear component of your takeoff
    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using the linear component of the takeoff, spacing variable and both plate variables

    Item Groups:

    • Choose Bottom Wall Plate - Calculated using the linear component of the takeoff, bottom plate count variable and waste variable
    • Choose Top Wall Plate - Calculated using the linear component of the takeoff, top plate count variable and waste variable
    • Choose Wall Studs - These items yield total linear footage rather than a stud count like other framing assemblies. Calculated using both the linear and surface area components of the takeoff, spacing variable, and waste variable.
    • Add Diagonal Strapping - calculated using the linear component of the takeoff and a spacing constant
    • Choose Framing Crew - calculated using the linear component of the takeoff and productivity variable

    2"x4" Solid Blocking - Plan View - Linear NEW

    Summary: This assembly is designed for a linear takeoff and yields lumber for blocking runs


    • Waste Percentage - enter a waste factor, used to calculate all lumber
    • Stud Spacing Inches - Used to calculate nails
    • Number Of Blocking Runs - Used to calculate blocking lumber

    Required Items: 

    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using the linear takeoff and spacing variable

    Item Groups:

    • Choose Wood Blocking - selection of lumber calculated using the linear takeoff total, blocking run variable, and waste variable

    2" x 4"/2" x 6"/2" x 8"/2" x 10" Wall Framing Plan View - Linear NEW

    Summary: These assemblies are designed for a linear takeoff and yield framing lumber. The only difference between them is the size of the lumber available.


    • Top Plate Count - Enter how many layers of top plates run the length of the wall
    • Bottom Plate Count - Enter how many layers of bottom plates run the length of the wall
    • Waste Percentage - enter a waste factor, used to calculate all lumber
    • Stud Spacing Inches - Used to calculate stud lumber and nails

    Required Items: 

    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using the linear takeoff and spacing variable
    • Frame 2x4 Walls (linear Feet) - Or 2x6, etc. A summary item reflecting the linear takeoff total

    Item Groups:

    • Choose Bottom Wall Plate - Calculated using the linear component of the takeoff, bottom plate count variable and waste variable
    • Choose Top Wall Plate - Calculated using the linear component of the takeoff, top plate count variable and waste variable
    • Choose Wall Studs - Calculated using the linear takeoff total, stud spacing variable, and waste variable
    • Add Hurricane/Seismic Strapping - Calculated using the linear takeoff total and stud spacing variable
    • Add Diagonal Strapping - Calculated using the linear takeoff total and a spacing constant
    • Choose Framing Crew - Choose Framing Crew - calculated using the linear takeoff total and productivity variable

    Leads & Corners for 2x4/2x6/2x8 Walls NEW

    Summary: These assemblies are designed for a count takeoff and differ only in the size of lumber items available

    Variables: There are no variables for this assembly

    Required Items: 

    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using the count takeoff total and conversion constants

    Item Groups:

    • Studs For Leads - Calculated using the count takeoff total and a constant of 3 studs per count

    Opening In 2x4/2x6/2x8 Wall (W/LVL Header)- Count NEW

    Summary: These assemblies are designed for a count takeoff and differ in the size of lumber items available and whose containing "w/LVL" in the name only offer LVL material for headers and no plywood item group.


    • Trimmer Per Side Count - the number of trimmer studs on each side of the opening
    • Stud Spacing Inches - the on center number for studs in this wall
    • Stud Height Feet - needed to calculate several items
    • Header Member Count - how many pieces of header material per opening
    • Waste Percentage - a percentage number used to calculate lumber
    • Rough Opening Width Inches - used for most material calculations
    • Rough Opening Height Inches - used for most material calculations
    • Header Height Inches - used to calculate plywood spacer

    Required Items: 

    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using the count takeoff total, opening width variable, and stud spacing variable
    • Wall Opening Count In 2x4 Wall (each) - Or 2x6, 2x8. Summary item reflecting the count takeoff total

    Item Groups:

    • Trimmer Studs - calculated using the count takeoff total and trimmer count variable
    • Studs Eliminated - calculated using the opening width variable and stud spacing variable. The result is multiplied by a negative number to deduct the studs being replaced by the opening.
    • Choose Cripple Material - calculated using the takeoff total, opening variables and stud variables
    • Choose Header Material - calculated using the takeoff count total, the opening width variable, trimmer variable, header variable, and waste variable.
    • Plywood Spacer If Needed - calculated using the opening width variable, trimmer variable and header variable

    Shear Wall Blocking Plan View - Linear

    Summary: This assembly is designed for a linear takeoff and is intended for walls with sheathing on one or both sides. The lumber is calculated in linear feet rather than a count.


    • Sheathing Height Ft Side 1 - the height determines how many nails are needed and how many blocking runs.
    • Sheathing Height Ft Side 2 - this variable is only used to calculate nails, so if the heights are different, make sure the one needed to figure lumber is used in the first height variable.
    • Waste percentage - a percentage number for calculating lumber
    • Stud Spacing Inches - used to help calculate nails

    Required Items:

    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using the linear takeoff total and all variables

    Item Groups:

    • Choose Wood Blocking - A selection of lumber in linear feet, not pieces, calculated using the first height variable, the linear takeoff total, and waste variable.

    Solid Blocking - 2"x4"/2"x6" - Linear NEW

    Summary: These assemblies are designed for a linear takeoff and yield lumber as pieces rather than total linear footage. The only difference between the two is the sizes of lumber items offered.


    • Waste percentage - a percentage number for calculating lumber
    • Stud Spacing Inches - used to help calculate nails
    • Number Of Blocking Runs - Used to calculate lumber

    Required Items:

    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using the linear takeoff total and stud spacing variable

    Item Groups:

    • Lumber - calculated using the linear takeoff total, blocking runs variable, and waste variable

    Solid Blocking Plan View - Linear

    Summary: This assembly is designed for a linear takeoff and yields lumber as linear footage rather than pieces.


    • Waste Factor 1 To 100 - a percentage number for calculating lumber
    • Stud Spacing Inches - used to help calculate nails
    • Blocking Run Count - Used to calculate lumber

    Required Items:

    • 16d, 3 3/8" - Sinkers - calculated using the linear takeoff total and stud spacing variable

    Item Groups:

    • Choose Wood Blocking - calculated using the linear takeoff total, blocking runs variable, and waste variable

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