STACK Quick Start Assemblies - Division 6, Wood, Plastics & Composites
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    STACK Quick Start Assemblies - Division 6, Wood, Plastics & Composites

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    Resumen del artículo


    This help article will cover STACK’s Quick Assemblies for Division 6. We currently offer assemblies for FRP and Sheathing.

    Table of contents

    06 Wood, Plastics & Composites



    06 Wood, Plastics & Composites


    FRP - Linear

    Summary: This assembly is designed for a Linear takeoff


    • Wall Panel Height In Feet – this will be used to calculate labor and adhesive.

    Required Items:

    These items will be automatically added to your takeoff.

    • FRP End Caps – they are figured for both the top and bottom of all panels in 10’ pieces, based on the linear footage from your takeoff.
    • FRP Labor – by the square foot.
    • FRP Adhesive – 3.5 gallon buckets, based on the linear footage of the takeoff and panel height variable.
    • FRP Divider Bar – taotal count of pieces based on the linear footage of your takeoff spaced 4 feet apart.

    Item Groups:

    These groups contain a selection of items to choose if needed.

    • Choose Panel Size – a selection of panels that are 4’ wide and 8’, 9’, 10’ or 12’ high.

    FRP Corners


    This assembly is designed for a Count takeoff


    There are no variables in this assembly.

    Required Items:

    There are no required items in this assembly.

    Item Groups:

    These groups contain a selection of items to choose if needed.

    • Choose Corner Piece – either an inside or outside corner piece that reflects the count total from your takeoff.


    Sheathing – Area & Surface Area


    This assembly is designed for either an Area or Surface Area takeoff


    There are no variables in this assembly.

    Required Items:

    These items will be automatically added to your takeoff.

    • Sheathing Labor – in square feet, taken from the takeoff measurement.

    Item Groups:

    These groups contain a selection of items to choose if needed.

    • Choose Sheathing Material – 4x8 sheets of OSB, Plywood or DensGlass

    Sheathing – Linear


    This assembly is designed for a Count takeoff


    • Sheathing Height In Feet – needed to calculate all items in this assembly.

    Required Items:

    • Sheathing Labor – in square feet, taken from the takeoff measurement and sheathing height variable.

    Item Groups:

    These groups contain a selection of items to choose if needed.

    • Choose Sheathing Material – 4x8 sheets of OSB, Plywood or DensGlass, based on the takeoff measurement and sheathing height variable.

    More on Quick Start Assemblies

    02 Asphalt Quick Start Assemblies
    04 Masonry Quick Start Assemblies
    07 Roofing Quick Start Assemblies
    09 Finishes Quick Start Assemblies
    32 Landscaping Quick Start Assemblies

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