Floor Plan AI
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    Floor Plan AI

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    Resumen del artículo

    En Français

    STACK has partnered with Workpack to develop an integration that can help save you time by using AI to automatically start your basic floor plan takeoffs.

    Floor Plan AI will search your plan sheet to find the option(s) you select - Doors, Rooms, Windows, and/or Walls. Based on the data it finds, it will automatically create a takeoff for each option, which will be displayed on your Takeoff List, and draw the measurement(s)/count(s) on the plan sheet.

    • Doors - This option will look for eight different door types on the plan sheet - Single Swing, Single Sliding, Single Pocket, Single Folding, Double Swing, Double Sliding, Double Pocket, and Double Folding. A takeoff will be created for each door type found, providing the total of number of doors for that specific door type. The takeoff(s) created will have a Count Takeoff Measurement Type. Each door will have a count mark on the sheet.
    • Rooms - This option will provide the total square footage of all rooms detected on the plan sheet. The takeoff created will have an Area Takeoff Measurement Type. Each room will be an individual measurement on the sheet.
    • Windows - This option will provide the total number of windows found on the plan sheet. The takeoff created will have a Count Takeoff Measurement Type. Each window will have a count mark on the sheet.
    • Walls - This option will create up to two takeoffs - one for all interior walls and one for all exterior walls. The takeoff(s) created will have a Linear Takeoff Measurement Type and will provide the linear footage of walls detected on the plan sheet. Each wall segment will be an individual measurement on the sheet.

    Then you can review the takeoffs and use STACK's standard takeoff tools to edit as needed. You can manually adjust the measurements; add or delete measurements/counts; use the Change Takeoff, Explode, or Cutout tools; add items and assemblies; or anything else you want to refine and customize the takeoff data specifically for your project.

    What to Know:

    • Floor Plan AI is an add-on to your STACK subscription. Contact your STACK account manager for pricing and access.
    • Only users with a Full-Access Role are able to use the feature.
    • You can only use Floor Plan AI on one plan sheet at a time, but you can move to another sheet or project while you wait for the results.
    • This tool can be used on any plan sheet but may not work on every sheet. We recommend using architectural floor plans for best results.
    • The scale must be set on the sheet before the Floor Plan AI tool can be used.
    • The takeoffs that are created are not expected to be 100% accurate; they are meant to be a starting point. You are responsible for reviewing the measurements and counts for accuracy.
    • Takeoffs, measurements, and counts created using Floor Plan AI can be edited just like any other takeoffs, measurements, or counts you manually create in STACK.
    • If no results are found for your selections, no takeoff, measurements, or counts will be created.

    See below for instructions to:
    Use Floor Plan AI

    Use Floor Plan AI

    NOTE: This feature is a part of Takeoff Assist, an add-on to your STACK subscription. Contact your STACK Account Manager for pricing and access.

    Only users with a Full-Access Role are able to use this feature.

    You must set the scale for the sheet before you can use Floor Plan AI. If the scale has not been set, when you click the Assist button a dialogue box will open so you can set the scale

    1. Open the plan sheet on which you want to create floor plan takeoffs.
    2. Click Assist on the Measuring Toolbar.*
    3. Click on the Floor Plan tab.
    4. Check the box next to the takeoff(s) you want generated - Doors, Rooms, Windows, and/or Walls.
    5. Click the Detect box.
      It may take several minutes for the request to process but you can continue working in STACK during this time. You will receive message updates in My Notifications (bell icon on top navigation toolbar) to let you know that the request is processing and when it is complete.
      NOTE: We will cancel a request if it takes longer than 5 minutes to process. You will receive a message in My Notifications if this happens. You will also receive a message if the request fails. In that case, follow the steps above to run the request again.

      Once complete, takeoffs for your selections will be listed on the Takeoffs list and the measurements/counts will be marked on the plan sheet. (If you do not see the measurements/counts on the sheet, refresh the page and they should appear.)
    6. Review the measurements/counts for accuracy and adjust as needed.
      You can edit the takeoffs using STACK's standard takeoff tools, just like any other takeoff you create.

    *You will not be able to proceed and use this tool if Assist is not currently part of your STACK subscription or you do not have a Full-Access Role.

    Activate Experimental Features
    Symbol Counting AI
    Creating and Editing Takeoffs
    Takeoff Measurement Cut Tools
    Explode Area

    If you need additional assistance, please Contact Us.

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